For Teachers: If you want to teach in the TILAB please read the Staff HOWTO
Read this page carefully before you start to work.
1. Network
You can access the your TILAB account worldwide by connecting to
ssh.tilab.tuwien.ac.at with any SSH speaking
terminal. This alias will always point to a generic server which may
or may not have your courses special software set installed.
Note: Due to the GDPR accounts in the TILAB won't receive mails anymore.
For some courses we provide specialized application servers, which have the
complete software environment installed (just like a client PC). You
can find more info on your courses homepage.
You are free to log in and work remote on the client PCs
(ti[[:digit:]]+.tilab.tuwien.ac.at). But keep in mind that the local user has
always priority and their are no guaranties for uptimes and
reboots may occur for several reasons without any warning at all. Also note
that all PCs contain several linux installations and it might run in one,
that does not provide your courses setup. The SSH access of all PCs is
limited to the TUNET (including TU.it VPN).
Here are the SSH public host keys for ssh.tilab.tuwien.ac.at aka apps1.tilab.tuwien.ac.at:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB7Xj8+zpgFSlQOKfROkMDzwM7u1qul4veCTmp8m6ZBd
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBN6Zo9+QQBZTFtBDHLoJKTV4ZN5o7jT+ipivHVi5w92OgTHoP38aGoW67aBnQV7cEWP759djA4aD6C1iJr9JxkM=
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA1LRz4ZbUaUZIRr879RS+v3iV0Zn0XADuGDqGge0nzuBFD0TN5bMcxNEYEGWIZcsalVIGhn5gdBz+eVl1/wvHR5TGnmsgXvhc1y7LkRSPhxC3wNtDoFYoQbFRKTD4wMTUT/gTZkg4jUYtQ/Pldk6B/e/6c1+kOy3dw85lvhVbwceM69axD4G/FBH5PcprdhPHP6cMA6rMUMNEsRE/RR8IAjrEzSiL7QpgJbpyvpSrYlg7wVvnZcRKdUbj/15O1D1d0/7jgx1fugnS/2uS2KBoe0yEY4eL7Q5a8dbn95p6lSI12YSaFY+dszXSoGNosvls0MXPefHc79bdRW2WnoOLbw==
Here are the fingerprints for the public host keys:
256 SHA256:kRLFDPm/2AcbqxOu6o2R8KxjmX4+unVX5IwJ+9THzIc (ED25519)
256 SHA256:6OAWIN18QTp6rLIOQn0H8eqbkJAIN6tUWO5Yc0XrDfw (ECDSA)
2048 SHA256:MPJZ4uDL0j8ltNWX45dBXQNQ0oyVLzUC7yVZuIR7BP0 (RSA)
1.1 TI Portal aka myTI
The TI Portal is not hosted in the TILAB. Please use the contact information on the TI Portal if you have problems or need help using it.
2. Account
You will always find your homedir at /homes/$USERNAME (or H: if you
use Windows). Your disk space may be limited. To find out more about it
run "quota
-vs" on any linux host. If you run out of disk space and are unable to
log in graphically, then use a text console to delete some files. To
change your password use the password portal
How to get it: If you enrol for a course you should automatically get a mail once it has been created or if there is any problem. Note that accounts might not be created before a course starts and that it might take about a week after you enrol.
3. Physical access
Once your account was created and you accepted the Acceptable Use Policy you can enter your lab room using your TU Card ("Studierendenausweis").
More info about the TU Card can be found here.
To use it hold your TU Card in front of the reader without moving it. Wait until the door opens. If you have multiple cards with wireless features (e.g. bank card), try to take the TU Card out of you purse.
4. Acceptable Use Policy
You will have to sign that you comply to the
acceptable use policy
when you get your account.
5. Software
A set of generic free software ist installed on Linux and Windows
Clients and on the applications Servers. For example you can use you
account to host a GIT repository.
If you miss any (free) software that you could use in your course,
then go ahead, just ask for it (see Support below). We will
always try to help out. But please don't tell us at the end of the
course that it would have been much easier if you had xy installed.
6. Support
If you catch a bug, cannot solve a problem with the generic
lab environment or even miss an important software package, please
open an issue
in GitLab (Login with TU-Password required).
Fakultät für Informatik
Impressum der TU Wien