TU Wien

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Technisches Informatik Labor Treitlstrasse

E199-02 - TU Wien Informatics Infrastructure

State: The lab is currently open.


8.4.2024 - 9.4.2024
Power outage: TILab will be closed from 2024-04-08 18:00 to 2024-04-09 7:00 because of a building wide power outage. We will try to keep the DDCA remote env online until 21:45.
TUauth change: TU.it changed their Auth-API on 30.04.2020. It is used for the following services: TILab Password Server, ZKKLABS GitLab Instance and Inofficial TU Talk Instance. If you experience troubles logging into any of that services, please do the following: First test if you can login to TISS. If not, please report to TU.it Service Center and come back when they fixed it. If yes, write a mail to admin at tilab.tuwien.ac.at and report failure or success regarding all of the services above. Note: Everyone should be able to log into the TILab Password Server, if you do not have any active account you will see that. You should not get an error messages because of that.
NEW ACCESS SYSTEM: There is a new keycard access system installed. It works with the standard TU Card. To use it just hold your TU Card - without moving it - in front of the card reader and wait until the door unlocks. If you have any troubles please contact admin at tilab.tuwien.ac.at by email or call the TU internal number 19521. Any kind of feedback is greatly appreciated. Please check for additional info in the howto section.

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